Photography by Ed E. Powell
Located on the Central California Coast, Ed E. Powell offers fine art and event photography. The links at left will take you to the four main sections of The Light Preserve. Learn about the Preserve and how best to enjoy it at the Visitor Center. The Galleries are currently divided into six groups, presenting photography of landscapes and people. The Magazine section includes more galleries, mostly of community events local to the coast of central California, and occasional editorials and news items related to photography. At Powell's Cabin, there is information about Powell and his prints. There is also a brief review of photography awards at the Cabin.
The Light Preserve is authored in W3C compliant validated code which can be expected to render well in any reasonably current web browser of 1024x768 resolution and higher. However, if you're viewing this page with a 4K monitor, that may be unfortunate. Most browsers, with 4K, default to enlarging images "to improve the user experience." They fail. Their enlargement interpolation algorithms are truly horrid, and the result is blurry images with egregious loss of detail. If I provide images large enough to prevent such browser "enhancements" (cough, cough), the pictures end up on coffee mugs and t-shirts. So, we're kind of stuck with a less than ideal situation. You can download your favorites to view in other software.
All content here is accessible without javascript, Flash or other plug-ins. No cookies or other tracking methods are used at The Preserve. This isn't facebook: it's clean and non-invasive. Browse a while and enjoy your stay!
Many of the images presented at The Light Preserve are available for purchase. Contact Powell directly for more information.